Wednesday, November 30, 2011

i love...

Inspector Hector soap!!!!!! :)
It changes color, and it smells good!
What more could you ask for?
{And, yes, I do realize that the last time I did an 'i love...' post, I said I love foamy soap. But I mean, c'mon!!!!! It's SOAP.} :)
This movie :) I it. <3

Okay, and I don't have a picture for this, because it's more of a feeling...
I love it when I'm going through something hard, or even something joyful, and a verse corresponding with that moment pops into my head at the right moment! :)
Which brings up another matter....
I'll tell y'all tomorrow. ;)
Okay, and to finish off, thank you so much to my 18th follower. Did you read that???? Eighteenth!
Though, um, my follower thing is acting weird and I can't see who it is...
so, if you're the illusive 18th follower, could you comment and let me know?
If not, though, thanks so much, anyway! :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Promotional Friday: {growing up grace}

Hi girls!

                                                                                 Today, I'm promoting
                                                {growing up grace}
It's written by the lovely, sweet, Grace. :)
Here's what she says about herself on her blog:
I am a 12 year old girl who takes too many pictures, and loves the Lord, Jesus Christ. My two favorite verses are: "If you are not firm in faith, you are not firm at all. (Isaiah 7:9)" and "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)" I love photography, painting, and school, and I was homeschooled until the 5th grade. Now I go to a public, once-a-week charter school called ACE: Academy for Character Education. My favorite animal is a monkey, I play the piano, I listen to Francesca Battistelli (in fact, I get to see her in concert), I don't like divorce or abortion, and I love airplanes!

She has a beautiful blog and takes very pretty pictures :)
She took this picture!
This too!

Now, go and visit her lovely blog!

If you would like me to promote your blog, please contact me at

Friday, November 25, 2011

want your blog promoted?

Hi everyone!!! Well, today I won't be able to do a "Promotional Friday" post.
But, I am planning for my future "Promotional Friday" posts. :)
Do you want me to promote your blog? Do you know anyone that would like their blog promoted?
If so, contact me at:
Have a good evening! :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi, everyone! Well, I'm actually writing this on Wednesday, because I'm sure
I'll be super busy tomorrow with dinner preparations {which I find much more fun and yummier than the actual meal! :)} as well as hangin' with the fam. ;)

So, today is Thanksgiving {at least here in the US...and, at least while you're reading this it is}. :)
I am so thankful for soooo many things :)

I'll list.... oh, only five of those things :)
Well, to start out, I'm thankful for loving parents who've raised me, a nice warm house, food, and wonderful family. ...But I won't count those  ;)
  1. I'm thankful for my God. {hehe, y'all just knew this one was coming ;)} I'm so thankful that He's here every day, always there to listen, heal, and reprove me. :)
  2. I'm thankful for the religious freedoms I have in this wonderful country I live in! I know that in many other countries, people are killed if they are simply found with a page of the Bible, or if they even talk about God. :( But, I am able to go to church and to pray {to the one and only God}!
  3. I know this seems kind of odd, but I also am thankful for my little cousin. :) She's almost 5 mo. old, and she brings me so much happiness! :)
  4. Although I do complain a lot {and am soon after ashamed} about it, I'm thankful for my schooling :) I've been able to get a much better education than many others even in the US, because of my homeschool education :)
  5. And last, but not least, I'm thankful for you followers :) Haha, I know that sounds so cheesy, but I truly am thankful for you guys!
Alright everyone! I hope you have a good Thanksgiving, and if you aren't celebrating Thanksgiving today, I'm sure y'all are thankful for something!
So, everyone, comment with what you're thankful for! :)

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
   and his courts with praise!
   Give thanks to him; bless his name!
{Psalm 100:4}

Monday, November 21, 2011

Music Monday

Hi all! I'm actually getting Music Monday up here on time! :)
                                         Dare You To Move~ Switchfoot

I just love this song!!!!
Have a good day, girls! {and that's an order!} ;)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Promotional Friday?

Hey Girls!  So, I'm thinking of doing something like Promotional Friday. Where I promote a different blog, every Friday. ;) Yeah, the title kinda explains itself. :)
the first blog that I will "promote" is the blog
                        The Anonymous Antagonist
Written by the very cool, funny, random, Daniel-or DJ.
On his blog, he writes his thoughts concerning many different subjects, and basically whatever pops into his head :)
Here's what his "About" page says:
Started a couple years ago, The Anonymous Antagonist has always been and always will be foremost: a writer's blog. Bent on writing, filled with writing, injected with writing--the blog will never stop until the author's computer blows up. Hopefully that apocalypse won't come anytime soon. Even with a truckload of writing, the author finds time to talk about his every day life in a segment called Midnight Musings (a random post that occurs late at night). The segment was just started and is "making an impact on my life" he once said to himself.

      This blog is full of humor, or at least it wishes to be full of humor. Using wit and style, the author sometimes decides to do a post in which there is usually no narrative, but only characters that speak to each other. This is for his own practice of the art and for the enjoyment of the reader. Nothing is to be taken too serious unless told otherwise.

So, girls, what are you waiting for??? Head on over there! HERE, I'll put a link so you don't have to move your mouse all the way there ^. ;) 
Note: Yes, I do realise that it's Saturday, but I started writing this yesterday, sooooo just pretend it's still Friday! {PLEASE?}

So, what are your thoughts on "Promotional Friday"?
Good Day!

Prayer Request

Hey girls! This is going to be a short post, but I hope you don't mind.
I have a prayer request for you.  A friend of mine-though I don't know her very well- needs ALOT of prayer. Her mom physically and verbally abuses her. I'm not really positive that she's a Christian, so, could y'all please pray that she finds Jesus and that her mother woud stop abusing her?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

music *week*, I guess

Hmmm... I suppose this is just a music week?
                                Bowlin'~Chris Tomlin...and some other dudes...
                                                                                              I be bowlin'! ;)
                                                                                   Goodnight, Girlies!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

whatever you do :)

I just felt like putting up another music video :) Be sure to read the verses at the bottom!
Do Everything~ Steven Curtis Chapman

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. {Colossians 3:17 ESV}

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. {1 Corinthians 10:31 NLT}
 These are my life verses :)
And , thanks for folllowing me, Melody!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Music Monday {it's just a little late} ;)

                                Hi, girlies! I've missed quite a few music Mondays, so I'm just going to post it today! :)
                                         What Love Really Means~ J.J Heller
Now, I don't normally listen to this song, but when it came on the radio last night, one of the lyrics just seemed to stick.
You know that part where she's singing about the guy in jail just "waiting to die"? Well when God replied to him, I just thought, "Whoa!"
Read this:
"I know you've murdered, and I know you've lied..."
When I first heard this song, I thought to myself, "What does lying have to do with murder?" I just thought that was so weird!
But, last night, I think I understood it.
Murder. Lies. While in the worlds eyes they might seem drastically far away on the "Bad Scale",
on God's radar, they are equally terrible.
They're both sins.
1 John 3:4, Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.
That's just some thoughts I had while listening to this song ;)
Another thought about the video/music: Aren't she and her husband {the guy on the guitar} cute?!?!
Okay, thank you to my new followers,  Alyianna and Christela A.!!!
Have a very nice day, ladies!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

prayer is REALLY appreciated!

Hi, girls!!!! So, something really exciting is happening tomorrow, and I {and the rest of my family} need your prayers. :) It'll remain unspoken for right now, though.
 I'm really nervous about all this, but I know God's in charge. ;)
Good day, girlies!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day 2011

Today is Veterans Day. The day that we should remember {and remember to thank!} the heroes, past and present, who have fought for our country. Not all military veterans ever {or will ever} actually fight. Some sit behind desk, or work on the airplanes or ships or tanks. But they are all still heroes, because when they went in to the military, when they signed on, they knew they were signing their life. So thanks a military hero today, let them know how much they are appreciated.

Whereas I realise some of y'all aren't from the US, I hope I didn't offend you or anything. I just wanted to say how thankful I am for the men and women who've fought my country. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

on talking to one's self

I have a confession to make.
I talk to myself.
Yeah, that's right, I talk to myself.

Through my experience, I've learned a few things. Such as: It's not smart to talk to yourself while walking through Walmart. You can earn some weird stares that way...

So, I've decided to share my learned knowledge on this topic by informing you of areas and places that are and are not acceptable for talking to one's self.  :)

Acceptable places to talk to one's self:
~In your bedroom, while alone
~Alone in the kitchen, baking cookies {It makes for a happy baker, therefore, happy cookies}
~While driving a car, if you can drive {I find it funny watching people talk on their blue tooths while in the car, and if you do talk to yourself while driving, everyone will just think you're talking through a blue tooth. ;)}
~While trying on clothes {after all, it is best to get a second opinion, or at least voice your thoughts ;)}
~When writing a blog post :)

Unacceptable places to talk to one's self:
~At Bath and Body Works {or any other perfumy places}Because, whereas you may not like that scent, the lady next to you happens to own two...or ten....bottles of it and is now buying up the lotion of the same kind}
~As stated before, while walking through Walmart
~In another crowded place, like the dinner table with your family {unless you don't mind telling them that you think the spider, who is on the ceiling, should be name Edwardo}
~While raking leaves....but, then again, go ahead and do it {feel free to start singing as well...throw in some random dance moves!} It amuses the neighbors
~While in bed at 3:00am
~While praying. Seriously.
~While staring at your fresh out of the oven cookies

Yep, I advise you follow that, and you won't have people thinking you're weird. Of course, though, if you do decide to start talking and singing while raking the leaves, They'll know it for sure :)
This doesn't apply for everyone though. For example, if you have awesome friends and  family who enjoy listening to you talk to yourself {or at least just ignore it :P}.
These tips do also apply if you are into the habbit of talking to inanimate objects {which I may or may not do.....}
I hope these tips have helped you! ;)

                                                     Have a good day, girlies!

an actual fashion post!

Hi Girls! So, as you can probably tell, I got a new blog design!!!! It was done by a Miss Mary Ann from the blog designers, Creatively You. But....the best part is, they're free!!!! 
...Whew! I think I got all my excitement out :)
                                                                                      And now, for a:
                                                  Post about Fashion!
Okay, so, whereas I know next to nothing about fashion,{'cept for the basics, you know, like don't mix patterns, don't wear orange and red together...that kind of stuff} I still like to look at it! {A side note, My usual attire usually consists of jeans and a nice-ish t-shirt. Like so}
Short Sleeve Fitted T Shirt
Now I'll actually show you some nice outfits ;)
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Even though I would never wear anything like this, it just seems so...whimsical! I love how the skirt is so....{for lack of a better word} flowy! Though, if I ever got one, it would be in white. ;)
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Isn't it gorgeous???? Though, I would want the neck line {I can't remember what their "technical" term is, so, I'm going with that for now ;)} to not be that deep. But, I LOVE it!! If I'm ever a bridesmaid, I will insist  that the bride choose this as the dress :)
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I want to make this hat someday. Not for myself, but to give away. Now, before going and thinking, "Aww, she's so generous!" I would keep it if I'd wear it, but slouchy hats just look ridiculous on me. :P
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I like this :) It's just so cute!
:) This would b even better if the lace didn't go so far down :)
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Well this is just adorable!
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*Gasp* I. WANT. THIS. SKIRT!!!!!!!!! So very very lovely....
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Polka  dots :) Awwww!!!
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If only this were more modest....
And I really like this shirt/sweater. :)
Okay, I think I've bored you enough ;)
Have a good day, girlies!
Ps: What did you think of them?
{most of the pics, unless they have a {via} under them, I found on pinterest}

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Samson's Story

Hi, girls! So, I'm a little late on this, but I'll just let you know, Jemimah interviewed me over at  her blog, Beautiful Blank Pages!!! Click HERE to read it. :)
Okay, now onto my purpose for writing this:
We all know who Samson is, right? The guy in the Old Testament who had really long hair and super strength! And...yeah that's basically all I knew about him until last night. :P I'll just give you a run down of his story.
Before he was born, an Angel of the Lord came to his mother {who was, before then, unable to have kids} and he basically told her she couldn't have any alcohol until the baby was born. He also told her that after he was born, the child was to never have his hair cut. That child was set apart for God. 
So, Samson grew up, he killed a lion, and ate honey out of it's guts. {cuz he was cool like that :P}
Eventually, Samson got married. But then, due to other circumstances, she {along with her father} were burned to death. {yeah, I know gruesome!} A while later, he met Delilah. She changed his life. Click HERE and read what happened after that.

Samson fell in love with Delilah, she tricked him into telling her the secret to losing his strength {which was getting a hair cut} She cut his hair, and betrayed him to the Philistines. Samson was then taken prisoner. He was blinded and made a spectacle of. Then, one day, he was called to entertain a {very!} large group of about 3000 people!!!! After performing for them, he asked a servant to position him between two pillars. {Now, these two pillars supported the entire building} From there, he pleaded with God to give him back his strength for just a moment: “Sovereign LORD, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived. {Judges 16: 28-30}

Yuppers. Dramatic death, right?
Sooo, we can learn a few things from Mr. Samson there:
1. Fall in love with the right person.
2. When your boyfriend starts saying things like "You don't love me, because you won't                  " get out of that relationship quick
3.Don't give up what God has called you to do all to be with some guy {or, in Samson's case, some girl}
4. God's got a plan for us. {We've just got to be careful to stay with Him and talk with Him in order to know what that plan is} :)
If you want to read Samson's story in it's entirety, read Judges 13-16 {It's really interesting, I advise you to read it!}
Have a good day, girlies!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Ahhh, earrings! The things that decorate our ears! The things that hurt when you get them put in for the first time. :P
                              You might wear studs,  uh-like these:

Or maybe your more of a dangly kind of girl:
As for moi, I'm a studly kind of gal. ....Oooh....that came out wrong....
They're sooo much simpler, and....they can look like these!!!
I mean, don't you just love those????
Oooohhh, or how 'bout these:
Ahhhhh!!!! So adorable!!!!
But, of course, there are some lovely earrings of the dangly persuasion ;)
Hehe. these just make me want to giggle. i have no idea why.
Ooooohhhhh o_O how 'bout these????
Wow. That's just so totally suh-weeeet!!!!!

Ooooooo....maybe you're the kind of girl who would "prefer not to have a fishhook hanging from my ear!!!!!"
I've met one of those girls. And all I have to say to y'all like her:
You're entitled to your own opinion. :D

Maybe you're a guy. A guy who doesn't want his ears pierced.
And for that, I respect you ;)

But then again, I don't think any guys read my blog ;)

Why did I do this completely random post entirely devoted to earrings?
My answer: I have no idea. But then, neither do you. :D

So....what kind of gal are you?
Have a good day, O readers of this blog!

Oh, yes, and thanks {sososososososo much!!!} for following, Jesuschick13!!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rebekah Brielle's photo caption contest!

Hi! So, I'm linking up to Rebekah Brielle's caption contest! :D She's got some awesome pictures to choose from, if you want to enter, just click HERE!!!!
                                                   So for the first one:
                                           Dude: "Is this your real hair?"
                                           Taylor: "OWWWWW!!!!YES, what kind of a hair stylist are you?!?!?"
                                            And, for my second entry:
                                             Will: "I'm ignoring you...."
                                             Georgie: "Back, back you horrible beast, I HAVE NO FEAR!"
                                             Ben: *Man, these guys are weird! I'm glad I'm not a regular...*

Haha, yeah, that's all I've got... Now go over there {}and join in the fun! Who knows, you might win! ;)
And here's the button for the contest!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hey, so, I'll just post a verse that I really need at the moment...

"Honor your father and mother" {this is the first commandment with a promise} {Ephesians 6:2}
Could y'all pray for me that I'll follow that? It's really hard right now...

I was also awarded the Inspirational blogger award {!} by Rissi from Scribbles, Scripts, and Such!!!!!
If you want to see the post again....just scroll down :)
Have a good day, Girlies!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

would you have?

Hi girls!  Sorry I  missed Music Monday yesterday. :P I was rather busy :)
But, anyway, on to what I was going to write! ;)

Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.  Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
  But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected,  “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.”  He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.
    “Leave her alone,” Jesus replied. “It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.”  {John 12: 1-11}
So, in Sunday School this week, our youth group's "lesson" was about that famous scene in {I think all of} the gospels. The one in which Mary, Martha and Lazarus's sister, poured fragrant perfume on Jesus's feet.
One detail of that story that we don't usually realize {at least I don't} is that that was an act of worship.
See, back in those times women wore these head covering things
{This is actually a picture of a Muslim woman, as I couldn't find a picture
of a head covering as Jewish women in the Bible time wore them.}
that looked sort of like this. In public, some of the women would bring the cloth up to cover their mouths and noses as well.
It was shameful for a woman to let her hair be seen in public, and she would have been considered a "loose woman". 
But Mary humbled herself enough to let her reputation be scarred in order that she might worship her Lord. Isn't that amazing? Would you have done that?
The perfume that she poured on Jesus was very costly {worth an entire year's wages!}. She was ridiculed for "wasting" the expensive perfume on Jesus' feet. Would you have done that?
This woman committed {in my opinion :)}the one of highest forms of worship in humbling herself and making herself vulnerable all for the sake of worshiping her Lord!
Would you have done what she did, if you were in her situation? Would you have humbled yourself, and wiped the Lords feet with your hair? Would you have spent an entire year's wages on a bottle of {oh, so expensive!!} perfume? Would you have poured it on Jesus?  

I know, that  this story doesn't seem like such a biggy when you're just reading on a computer screen. But just imagine how Mary might've felt. How all she was thinking of at that moment was that her Lord was there, and that she loved him.

Girlies, I hope you got at least something out of this, and you won't just click off of here and continue on to the next post on your blog feed. Comment if you think of anything to add to this! :)
Thanks to my new followers, Sarah Grace, Haley, and Emii!!!!!