So, apparently, I'm an inspirational blogger :)
I got this award from the very sweet, very random, Rebekah Brielle! :)
Soooo.....whereas I've never recieved a blog award, I've read enough of other people's that there's always some type of rules to go along with it :)
Here they are:
1. Be sure to post the award on your blog, for all of your readers to admire!
2. You will need to link back to the person who nominated you!
3. Make sure you tell your readers 7 random facts about yourself!
4. Also mention your favourite hobby, colour and food!5. Pass this award on to your 10 inspirational bloggers! (You can choose the person who nominated you!)
4. Also mention your favourite hobby, colour and food!5. Pass this award on to your 10 inspirational bloggers! (You can choose the person who nominated you!)
Alrighty, I've done the first one :) right up there ^ to admire :)
Secondly, here's the link to the ah-mazin'
Thirdly...aww man! They have to be random??? They can't be planned out and concise?
Mehhh, that's alright, I'm a very random person :)
1. Okay, so, as a five year old little girl, I had a very
bad expierience with nutella, and now I refuse to try it ever again. does look good. Maybe not...ever again....
2. Ella Enchanted has been my favorite "princess" book ever since I was ten or so
If you haven't read it, you should! {believe me, it's much better than the movie :)}
3. I don't like cream cheese frosting :P
I prefer the other kind {only homemade though, of course!} with just butter,
powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla. :) Yummmm <3
4. Purple pens are the BEST!!!
5. Cute boxes like these are amazing!

6. I love wearing hats. <3
Especially earflap hats :)
7. I LOVE getting comments :)

But then you all ready knew that :) {sorry 'bout the water mark :P}
mmmkay, my hobby {other than blogging :)} is reading :)
my favorite color{s} are pink and brown...

in case you didn't realize that ;)
My favorite food is......oh, gosh, I don't know!
Though....I guess it would have to be chocolate :)

Okay, so now I'll choose my top ten inspirational bloggers :)
{Though, many of you have probably already recieved this award ;)}
I award:
Sorry I didn't get EVERYONE that I think is an inspirational blogger, but I tried to pick mostly people who hadn't just gotten it :)
Rebekah Brielle, thanks for awarding me, I had fun doing this!
And thanks Eve and C.C Shoshanah, for following me!